key on black background

What type of lock do you need? Keys have changed over the years and many old houses in this area still rely on old fashioned technology to secure the home. Should you find that your home is still relying on old technology what’s the next step? We can offer information on here but do feel free to call at any time of the day with any questions relating to your locksmith needs. Old locks work on very simple technology some old houses in this area still rely on old fashioned keys with single locks to keep homes secure. The first step is to make sure that your front door and back door have locks that are at least modern European cylinder locks , these are much more complicated than old fashioned locks and require much more complicated tools to break in. However, locksmith also suggest that to be safe exterior facing doors should also include a 5 lever mortice lock and can carry out a lock change to do this. These locks are extremely rigid and are known by many as deadlocks due to their extreme strength. The added bars that this lock adds to the door frame create a much stronger bond between the door and the door frame, hindering forced entry. As well as this, the five lever system makes it much harder to unlock without very complicated tools. a modern question which are locksmith are often asked is whether or not to trust digital locks. As the modern technology around home security continues to advance our locksmith are kept at the forefront of the bleeding edge. Current advice around the digital locks is that although they are extremely handy and can be very rigid, there is still risks and examples of people being able to gain entry to both homes and cars by manipulating them (which also might need a lock repair in of itself) , are locksmith therefore recommend to double up if you do want a digital lock and have a strong traditional lock as a backup , perhaps when you are away for long periods.